Creating The Best You

 You are Creators 

By Jason Grant

The flowers of the garden are so graceful, they know their time and season. 

A time to light up and blossom colorfully into a beautiful flower, emanating sweet fragrances, and then a season to whither with dried brown leaves and return to the earth.

Some human beings are completely different from the flowers of the garden. We find it hard to transition into our next season especially if we're in a season of stagnation, prosperity may seem far fetched. This fear of transition is completely natural because you're leaving a place of familiarity to a new setting. It is said that our comfort zone might be hard to leave because of complacency. When you become complacent you are planted and you see growth or development as a hard task.

On December 31, 2015, I decided that I wanted something different for 2016, I decided that who I was in that moment wasn't all that I could so I decided to start my journey to self-development in that year. Self-development is not, to begin with, it is in essence tearing apart your world to see what's on the inside and how you can develop what is there. Self-actualization and realization is the process through which this takes place and results are certain. My journey was not a simple walkover, I wanted to give up so many times, though I might have not followed through every day with my goals and working on myself I still got up at some point to put the pieces back together and watch as I created a better version of myself. 

I went from being timid and afraid to speak in public to presenting at events giving speeches and awards. This was not easy it took a lot of work and discipline to achieve all that I have achieved thus far. You may think it's impossible for you but it's possible if you're committed. 

Here are my most impactful tips to create the best version of you:

1. Write your goals on paper 

2. Create a vision board 

3. Read Self-development books 

4. Get mentor/ Life Coach 

5. Watch motivational videos of people who achieved what you're working towards

6. Document your journey 

7. Practice 

8. Build a great network 

9. Go to church ( Even if you don't believe in God) 

10. DON'T GIVE UP! 💪


These are my top ten secrets that I used to create and manifest a better version of myself over the years since my self-actualization, trust me these are guaranteed to work miracles in your life once you are disciplined and determined to succeed on your journey. 

Thanky you for stoping by, My Blogs are featured on Imapcting Jamaica's website and I'd greatly appreciate it if you click the link below to check out the latest inspiring podcast and creative blogs. 
✌Until next time continue to do your best.✌



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