How To Plan For Your Year

By Jason Grant 

Planning Ahead 

Some days I sit high in a cloud, surrounded by all my thoughts, ranging from short-term plans to long-term goals and of course, the bad ideas that constantly attempt to worm their way into the good ones. 

Well, hello there! 

What's going on in that powerful, beautiful, majestic mind of yours? feeling indecisive? lost? or helpless? 

My dear one, you are not alone. Have no fear because all the answers are deeply rooted within  you or you just might need to find new inspiration and motivation to build your drive and focus on achieving all that you desire. This is what I found out just from watching motivational YouTube videos and listening to and reading audio books that are geared towards self-help and development. It is no secret that the enemy within us will oftentimes try to convince us that we are incapable of achieving our goals. I am here to tell you that you should just take the risk, give it your all, and make your plans a reality. 

This is the way to go from here. Always create a plan for what you want to achieve, and it is advised that you set a date for when you'd like to achieve these goals. 

In my case, I've always gravitated more towards creating short-term plans because sometimes, even though it's good to have a long-term plan, we really don't know what the future holds. So I suggest you start by making short-term plans, laying the foundation for your success as you work and accomplish things little by little. 

A short-term plan ranges from 1 - 5 years, depending on how or what you're working to achieve. 

Put it this way, a short-term plan is basically something that you work towards achieving in the very near future. Always be realistic with your goals; this way, it will not put too much pressure on you, which can cause anxiety, depression, or burnout. Remember to ask for help if you need help and always prioritize your health, whether it be mental or physical. 

Moving along nicely.....

Let me share a little story with you all. 

The younger version of myself would never think of making a plan for the future, not to mention a long- term or short-term plan. It wasn't until my teenage years that I started to participate in sessions that included businessmen and women sharing their ideas and how they planned for the future. They knew when, how, and where they wanted things to happen, and best believe they had strategies in place to ensure these plans were successful. Now look at me sharing with you my knowledge of planning and how it has helped me to be prepared for my future. 

Which leads me to the next point: long term goals/Plans, as the name suggests, these are goals that you will work towards achieving over a period of time. This period of time may range from 6 to 10 years and even more. Just as with life, there is no limit when planning for the future.

                                 Check in with us next Wednesday for the 2nd version.

I believe in you!

I believe that there are countless possibilities waiting to greet you this year! 



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