Why you should volunteer today

 October 13, 2021.

By Jason Grant

My heart feels liberated just knowing that I am  helping others.

Photo credit: anonymous 

How would you feel knowing that the child you just passed on the street has nothing to eat? What if you could give that child something to eat? Wouldn’t you be happy to help that child to find clothing and shelter?

According to Oxford Languages, a volunteer is defined as a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task. Volunteerism comes in several forms, whether you join an organization such as Rotaract club, a nonprofit organization or just simply undertaking an initiative on your own to help better the life of an individual it is considered volunteering. 

If you think that what you have is too little to give or that your time won’t do much, I implore you to give what you have it really does make a difference. It is better to give of the little that you have than not to give anything at all. Even if you don’t have anything spend some time to find out in what way you can contribute to the betterment of someone else’s life. If it means finding and old age home and proving some form of help it really goes a long way. 

As the pandemic continues to rage a lot of people are still left jobless, homeless, alone and broken. Whatever you have will always be appreciated and accepted. 

Jason Grant, Handing over care packages to a student.
Photo credit :anonymous 

Volunteerism does not only benefit the individual on the receiving end it benefits both the giver and the receiver. You might be asking how? Well, volunteering can improve your lives in the following ways: Learning a new skill, Meeting new people, being a part of a community, etc.  Decide today to be the hero in someone’s life. Don’t lead a selfish life, but look out for your fellow members of society. 

Finally, check out the impacting Jamaica website and podcast to be in the know about some of Jamaica’s most impactful people. Find them at  https://www.impactingjamaica.com/copy-of-blogs-1

   👏🏽 Thank you for reading. 👏🏽


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