Coach Lewin, Personal Development Coach Publishing Her First Book

Coach Lewin, Personal Development Coach Publishing Her First Book

By Jason Grant

Coach Lewin posing for greatness with her newly published book entitled “Shaping A Better Me” 

Photo by Jason Grant 

The humble beginnings of Christine Russell-Lewin is a story that can motivate anyone who is seeking to find their purpose in life, which she used as steppingstones now blossoming into her first published book.

Filled with passion, energy and drive, Christine Russell Lewin started out from a place where many would describe as a humble beginning in a community where nothing seemed to happen. Little did she know that her popularity and brilliance from primary school would be qualities that created impact and propelled her to be  counted amongst those who made something of their life, which made her realize that there are others in the same situation who are in need of her help. Life Coach, counselor and Social worker Christine Russell Lewin has said that “ I realized that from I started my first degree in counseling that’s where I realized that a lot of persons like myself walking around in nice clean clothes that are hurting on the inside, doing the course has helped me to understand the emotional challenges that people face especially people from a particular background or community exposed to crime and violence like Effortville and so this gave me a sense of direction and purpose to where I should go in terms of a career”. 

Coach Lewin On duty presenting a token after a vision board party.
Photo by Jason Grant 

In spite of the community where she’s from she managed to navigate her way through the uncertainty of knowing whether she wanted to go into the career field of counseling or pursue something else. The reality is that she thought to herself that she needed counseling too, so how could she counsel others. However, that did not hinder her progress from fulfilling her purpose.

“I started sharing the impact of what those courses did for me and from there people would reach out to me, I would have been doing informal sessions with them. In more ways than one, whether by roadside, over the phone in small group sessions, at church and at community meetings and then I realized that there is a way to formalize this thing into a prominent call where I can gain from it and that is when I went to study further so that I can get the dream, if it was more knowledge that I needed to carry out the roles and functions”. 

When there is a call on your life things will fall into place at the right time with the help of the right people showing up in your life to guide you on your journey. “Never step back when you can step forward go after your dream, seek to help others with the help that you have gotten each one reach one. If it worked for you then it can work for somebody else, so never hold back on what you get, don’t be afraid to give, don’t be afraid to reach out and touch lives because life is a cycle, and everybody is waiting on somebody to make the first move.”   Coach Lewin has Truly inspired others as she continues to help those around her to climb the ladder of success and heal. It could be as simple as a small sessions or through her new published booked that she shared several lessons on The Authentic Brand shaping a Better Version of yourself. 

Coach Lewin shared that her most significant moment when writing her book was when she created the title. “I was on vacation in America with my master coach having a session and I was there talking with them and he got up from his desk leading a group of young upcoming coaches and he said Christine prepare a speech for these upcoming coaches on building their authentic brand, All that I had was the information that I had in my book about self-discovery and building oneself, who do you want to become and how you’re going to get there and what is the process to get there.”

This moment sparked an idea that she acted upon after realizing that the upcoming coaches were in awe with her knowledge and profoundness on the topics that she had presented on in less than eight minutes. It was in this moment that led to the name of her book coming to fruition. 

This masterpiece is breaking barriers as it rises on the amazon bestselling list after coach Lewin dedicated her time and passion to create and deliver “An Authentic Brand Shaping a Better You” she said that “For me the most touching topic in the book is family relationship. Family plays a big role in my life having been grown up with my mother and father who was more so present but absent…and so impacted me in a lot of ways, so when I speak of a healthy relationship this is where the issue is for others because they cannot connect.”  This kind of relationship is the reality for some Jamaica families and as such Coach Lewin is pleased to help others in these situation because she believes that this is what God would have done to help others. 


  1. This is a very inspiring story. It's definitely not where you come from, but what you set out to do. Kudos Coach Lewin on this masterpiece.


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