Pull Yourself Through


In support of Mental Health Awareness Week

An evening at the beach in NC.

Photo by Ashley Crawford

"No one's coming to push you. No one's coming to tell you turn the Tv off. No one's 

coming to tell you to get out door and exercise. Nobody  is coming to tell you to apply for  

that job that you always dreamt about. No one's coming to write the business plan for 

you. You got to parent yourself. You got to push yourself." - Mel Robins

As I reflect on these words above from Mel Robins, I look back on my life and remember when I was 

about to take my CSEC exams and I felt like giving up on the SBAs. I remember watching motivational 

videos every night before I started working on them because it was the hardest time for me to focus, at 

these crucial points in our lives things almost always get super difficult to keep under control nevertheless, 

I pulled myself through despite I the personal challenges that I was facing I managed to overcome this 

season by motivating myself and keep it moving.   

To keep it moving can mean pulling yourself through the difficult season that you are facing. 

No one is coming to save you or tell you what to do to save yourself because, only you can know what 

you really need in order to be saved. We can cry out for help but not many will respond because they too 

are busy fixing their own lives, and as Les Brown would say some people are glad that whatever happen to 

you, happened to you because they don't want it to happen to them. 

                                 Keep it moving, even if it means to give all that you got, do it. 

Even though we may face different challenges at times we still need the courage to push forward. This 

does not mean you should push yourself to the extent that you get burnt out but rather go as far as you can 

then take a break but don't stay down for long. 

A beautiful picture of the beach in NC Corolla 
 photo by Jason Grant 

As the sun sets  today reflect on your day all that you have accomplished and all that you wish to 

accomplish. set your goals for tomorrow and ensure that you work on them. Remember to pull yourself 

through, small steps count it is no movement at all that means you have quit the race. 

Thank you for reading my blogs, they are featured on Impacting Jamaica's website head on over there and 

check them out for the lates blogs and podcasts I promise you will be entertained, and informed. 



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