How to Command your Morning
by Jason Grant

The feeling of not having things under control is nothing but fertile grounds for a chaotic week, a disastrous mind, or even a rough day. As a university student, I have learned this the hard way. Waking up from a four-hour sleep, immediately rushing to join a class and submit my assignment can be quite a task. Thankfully, my life coach and self-help books have thought me a few lessons on how to command my morning by putting things into place.

Commanding your morning can be simple, all you need to do is just a few things to get yourself together and be ready for a fresh day.
What I normally do to start my morning is quite simple, I get up at 7:00 Am because I have the Christian faith I pray most days o begin my morning then I read my morning devotional.
Putting things into place
Photo by: Jason Grant
He who fails to plan is planning to fail.
-Sir Winston Churchill
Photo by: Jason Grant
After praying and reading, I generally get out of bed, drink a glass of water to activate my system. Now I know most Jamaican drink tea first thing in the morning, I thought it was strange until I tried drinking water before tea with breakfast, however, I've seen the results and health benefits of drinking the water after getting out of bed.
Next on my wake-up to-do list is my morning affirmations. Affirmations have recently become trending and have been practiced by more and more people. You can create your own affirmations are you can use the internet to find some that suit you. affirmations are necessary because they help with confidence, mental heal, and a focused mindset to achieve your goals.
Commanding your morning/ day is not only what you do in the morning but, it does involve preparation from the previous day. In my case, I write a to-do list for the day ahead from the previous night. This helps me to keep in mind everything that I need to get done for the day. This will give me control over my day and activities which guides my progress towards my goals.
Evaluate yourself at the end of your day to see your progress, if no progress was made, if you didn't achieve your goals, if you didn't follow through with your to-do list always remember that tomorrow is another day to start over, and do your best again.
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