By Jason Grant 

                                                           Small steps still count

"The Heights by great men reached and kept were not attain by sudden flight, but they, while they companion slept, were toiling upward through the night"

There is nothing worth having in this life that comes so easily to you without leaving just as quickly as it came. A lot of us can confirm this from experience because either it brought pain or some form of stress before it left. 
I started out my journey of self-development a few years ago when I started watching motivational youtube videos from Les Brown, Lisa Nichols, and so many others. My self-development which is still in progress was taking longer to manifest than I wanted it to, I even gave up on myself countless times because I thought to myself "This is not going nowhere"   but when you are in divine alignment nothing or no one can stop what God has destined for you. 
I can remember as far back as 2015 when someone gave me a Christmas gift at church and when I got home I was so anxious to open the gift because I love gifts (Idk who doesn't) so as I ripped every bit of the wrapping paper my anxiety peaked. After removing the wrapping paper I discovered a perfect little journal. This gift was so special to me and I still have it to this very day, of course, it has writing all over it. Written on those pages are goals that I had set and accomplished, feelings that I did not share with others, and drawings when my words couldn't suffice for what I was going through. 

                                                  My first evening at N.C.U's gym, first semester.

                                                   Photo by Anonymous 

This post is not to guilt-trip you but more likely to ease the pressure on yourself to create an exceptional life overnight. It took me all these years to become this version of myself that I am now. even though this is not the ultimate goal for me, I have come a far way this growth can be seen physically, spiritually, and mentally. Most times when I listen to influencers they started from nothing until they have reached the target that was their aim, it did not happen overnight it was not rushed. Take Steve Harvey for an example he shared his testimony of having to sleep in a car and so many other sacrifices he had to make before he made it to where he is today. Lisa Nichols had the last meal to feed her son and she promised him that it would not always be the same, let this be your encouragement to build a firm foundation that when the storm rages over your life everything will not be lost. 

Growth is a whole process. you are required to change things and habits that no longer serve you or your future self. this could mean changing the people you socialize with, instead of spending on KFC saving your money, and eating at home. These are only some of the few sacrifices that I made for myself that I can share.

 Take a break if you need to but, don't you dear give up.
photo by: Jada Davis

Taking it one step at a time is all that you need to do. Yes, it sounds simple but until you take it on then you will see what it is all about. Taking one step at a time to me meant being only focused on one thing at a time. This gives you more time to achieve that specific goal in sight rather than doing multiple things at a time. Work your way through  

Namaste, I come in peace like Gandhi 

Photo by: Jada Davis 

Now with all this information go and create the life that God has called you to live, take everything one step at a time and remember God is still working on you. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose. 


My life coach Mrs. Russell- Lewin is an expert in her field, she is capable of helping you to develop yourself on all levels. Click the link to sign up for the short 6-week course. It has helped me to develop mentally, spiritually, physically, and spiritually.

Follow me on Instagram @ Grantinspo

Twitter @ Grantinspo 

Subscribe to my youtube channel @ Grantinpo


  1. Great article bro!

    Fitness and motivation is a great combination for the youths… keep it up


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