By Jason Grant 


 After a refreshing Sunday service.
         photo by Adrian Thomas.

Imagine that it is your first day at school and you are in the first-class session and the lecturer asks you to stand to introduce yourself. What would you say? Many people would instantly panic as they surge through their life's history to construct a speech that best represents them. Well, this is no surprise I was once like that too, not only was I like that but in a new space, I tend to be much of an introvert. Introverts are generally known to monitor their environment before they get comfortable in expressing their unfiltered self. Noone should experience panic when asked to introduce themself, because you're talking about yourself and you know more about yourself than anyone else, so you should not be scared that there might be a wrong answer. 

Today I can stand with confidence and give a rounding introduction of myself because I have worked on these weaknesses that once limited my ability to make a lasting first impression. Thanks to my consistent disciplined actions and my life coach Christine Russel Lewin. Joining this six-week course has guided me to better comprehend myself on the next level which has given me leverage to stand and boldly declare who I am. 

Be confident in yourself.
photo by Jason Grant 

The key to confidence does not revolve only around thinking or speaking positively about yourself. it also comes from self-awareness. To be aware of one's self is to understand who you are inside and out. In essence, knowing your likes, dislikes, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. When you are thoroughly aware of all these you will know who you are on a deeper level. Work on all your weaknesses and you will be able to create the version of yourself that you have always wanted to be.

The hardest part of my self-development journey was accepting myself for the person that I am. this was hard at first because no one wants to be seen as doubtful, fearful, or unable to represent themself well. I was reminded that this was a self-development course and so these things can be improved. what I did was accept myself at that moment and started to compose my strategy for improvement. 

Without the two aforementioned keys to confidence, the third will not present itself. Just like the father, son, and the Holy spirit LOL. Self-love will not appear if you are not aware of who you are and if you do not accept yourself. My love-hate story for myself can be traced back to my teenage years which is an experience I would not want to relive. I was suicidal, a story that I will one day open up about.  Self-love takes time, just this week I was reading my devotional and the quote shared was " Be patient. God is not through with us yet." so I am sharing this to let you know that you must be patient with yourself just as I am. Work on yourself continuously, because if you don't no one will do it for you.

To conclude this blogpost, remember self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love are the three keys that will help to unveil the real you. 

Follow me on Instagram & Twitter @grantinspo


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